Authored by Dr. Daniel Klem, world-renowned ornithologist and expert in the area of bird deterrence. Billions of birds are killed flying into sheet glass installed in...
Authored by Dr. Daniel Klem, world-renowned ornithologist and expert in the area of bird deterrence. Billions of birds are killed each year around the globe due to...
Admittedly, it can be embarrassing, but we have all done it at least once in our lives; running headfirst into a glass pane that we had not seen. The consequence of our...
There’s lots of articles out there on projects featuring bird friendly glazing. However, a look behind the scenes on how a project ends up using glass that is paramount...
This article is courtesy of the Fatal Light Awareness Program (FLAP) issued in their Touching Down newsletter, published in spring 2017 Sometimes, even with the best of...
With current glass facades claiming the lives of millions of birds each year, it is clear that a modern glass solution is needed. The magnitude of the problem is such...
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