Responsible Manufacturing

As a responsible corporate citizen, Walker is committed to protecting the natural environment,
in particular the water, air, and soil.



Walker Glass works hard to minimize its ecological footprint, partly by adhering to the city of Montreal’s strict anti-pollution requirements. Furthermore, it goes beyond these requirements to minimize its environmental impact and practice transparent, responsible manufacturing. Here are some of the ways that Walker is protecting the waterways, air quality, and soil of its surrounding environment.

  • Contaminants in our water runoff and air emissions are kept to a tiny fraction of accepted safe thresholds.
  • Operations are powered by hydroelectricity, which produces 100 times less greenhouse gas per kilowatt of power than coal.
  • EPD and HPD® give full transparency into product life cycles.
  • Solid and water waste are purified, reclaimed, or recycled.

Sustainable Materials

Walker Glass has been an early adaptor of the transparency and sustainable materials movement with the publications of third-party-verified Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) and Health Product Declaration® (HPD®) for its various product offerings.

To have access to our environmental data sheets please click on the following link:
EDS ( Sustainable Materials | Walker Glass )

You can read Walker’s full environmental statement in our document,
Our Commitment to Responsible Manufacturing and the Environment”.

Our Architectural Managers

Should you need additional help, our architectural management team is here for you!

Communicate with our Experts

Please feel free to get in touch should you have any questions!